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Entdecke die Kunst der harmonischen Verbindung von Bier und Käse! Tauche mit uns, Diplom-Käsesommelier Harald Weidacher und Diplom-Bier-Sommeliére Victoria Strallhofer von Culinary Craft Tours, in die Welt der regionalen Gaumenfreuden Tirols ein. In unserer Blog-Reihe erkunden wir die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten,...
Ein Prost auf geniale Bier- und Käsekombinationen! Eine unbedingte Empfehlung bei der Zusammenstellung von Bier und Käse sind regionale Verbindungen. Aus diesem Grund erkunden Diplom-Käsesommelier Harald Weidacher und Diplom-Bier-Sommeliére Victoria Strallhofer von Culinary Craft Tours in der nachfolgenden Blog-Reihe das...
Katja Zaunberger, a certified master brewer, brings not only her immense expertise to the daily work at the Starkenberg Brewery in Imst, but also her passion for brewing beer. For the blog series of Culinary Craft Tours, Katja...
The combination of cheese and wine is the first association for many. But the fact that many beer styles are wonderfully suitable for some possible combinations is only known to a few people so far. For a long time, and...
Beer is a great thing. Cheese anyway. Especially if they come from regional producers in the immediate vicinity and can be combined well. In the culinary context, the combination of wine and cheese is the first association for many. But...
Vegan seduction in Advent - sparkling beer and sweet treats Let's start with the big question: Is beer vegan? The simple and straightforward answer to this: Most of the time.At least in the case of beers brewed according to the...